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See high-quality fossils, beautifully curated


Mammut Americanum


Lenawee County, Michigan

The Sexton Mastodon is one of the last American Mastodons (Mammut Americanum). The skeleton shows signs of butchering by paleo-man.

One of the richest Ice-Age fossil discoveries in the world took place in 1983 when fossil finder Frank Garcia found the Leisey Shell Pit bone bed. Over 20,000 specimens were unearthed, representing over 200 species of animals. Several of which were new to science.

Hesperotestudo crassiscutata


Ice Age Tortoise

Hillsborough County, FL

This tortoise was found by Frank Garcia's late best friend and dog, Webster, a disabled chihuahua-dashund mix.

Teleoceras Proterum


Grazing Rhinoceros

Polk, County, FL Bone Valley Formation

Teleoceras had much shorter legs than modern rhinos, and a barrel chest, making its build more like that of a hippopotamus.

Ursus spelaeus

Cave Bear


Ural Mountains, Russia

Ursus spelaeus

Cave Bear Skull

Ural Mountains, Russia

The cave bear had a broad domed skull with a steep forehead. Their teeth were very large and show greater wear most modern bear species, suggesting a diet of tough materials.

Mammuthus Imperator

Imperial Mammoth


Leisey Shell Pit, FL

The imperial mammoth is one of the largest known mammoth species in the fossil record. They are similar to columbian mammoths, but can be identified by its tusks, the tips of which cross over one another.

Kyptoceras amotorum


Polk County, FL

Kyptoceras amotorum, "the horned wonder" is one of the last prehistoric giraffes, a new genus and species discovered in 1979. The species name "amatorum" honors all amateur fossil finders, including Frank Garcia who discovered and donated the specimen to Florida Museum of Natural History.

Prodeinotherium bavaricum


Zenica Coal Mine, Bosnia


The prodeinotherium was a distant relative of modern-day elephants. It's most intriguing feature are its downward curved tusks, which could have been used in various aspects of life, from foraging, to defense, and possibly even social display. 

These Giant Sloth femurs were found in the Leisey Shell Pit. Unlike their modern tree-dwelling counterparts, the giant sloth was predominantly ground-dwelling, traversing vast expanses of grasslands and forests in search of food.

Pronathodon sp.

Mosasaur skull, Morocco

Mosasaurs were large aquatic reptiles that were top predators in the world's oceans. The name mosasaur comes from the latin word "mosa", referring to the Meuse River where it was first found.




Tethysaurus were early mosasaur relatives. They fed on small prey, was comparitively small, and somewhat adapted to aquatic life. In a very short time, mosasaurs increased in size and adapted to a completely aquatic lifestyle.


Three-toed Horse



This Hipparion skull has two puncture wounds in the cranium, likely caused by the large canines of the saber-cat Machairodus (posed above the cranium).

Chilotherium sp.




These hornless rhinos had large tusk-like incisors. They weighed between 1 and 2 ½ tons.

Bennettitale (Cycadeoid)

Seed Plant

Dakota Sandstone Formation


Fall River County, SD

Mammut Americanum

American Mastodon


Withlacoochee River, FL

Minerals from around the world

Florida's Agatized Corals

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